In Dean Smith we trust, you've got to have a go and video

I sit at the airport about to get on a flight to San Francisco. So for the match tomorrow there is a 50/50 chance I'll be watching, it all depends on how I deal with the time difference but also how I want to spend the next ten days. If I'm not here, forgive me.

And for those interested, I purchased a Surface 3 Laptop and it makes my previous MacBook Pro feel and look like a toy. Microsoft have really grown up.

But, this is about tomorrow and there are not many bigger tests in the Premier League these days than a trip to Manchester City. But if we have learnt something this season so far about them, they are beatable if you have a go at them. If you sit back, you will get spanked like Lindsay Lohan.

And we have no reason to fear them, mostly because I think most think we will lose. Why not go out and give it a go. Or better still, why not go out and try to force them to do something they're not used to. It's what Norwich did and Norwich got the result.

And if we've learnt anything about football over the past few years it's that sitting back doesn't win you games.

I'm going to try and be awake or wake up for the match, but it will be 3.30am in the morning and I think I'm getting up at 8am for a trip to Alcatraz to prove that you can swim back.

In Dean Smith we trust.