I've seen a lot written this week about how much money Tom Fox earned as CEO of Aston Villa. I think I also saw something about how little Paul Faulkner made too. The funny thing is the salaries just go to show what we had; someone who saw an opportunity and someone that was basically just useless. In case you're Paul Faulkner and you're reading this, you're the useless one.
The game of football is broken and Tom Fox saw an opportunity to earn some no need to work again cash and he took it. We would all have done the same if we saw the opportunity.
And then when I did my weekly scan of Aston Villa news (it used to be daily and before that I was actively looking for news and updates) it dawned on me that so much garbage is written and so many people seem to enjoy it. Football is broken, but it has spread.
And the same thing is written so many times. I do it here and James does it in the comments. The only things that really change are the matches and the performances. But they all basically merge too because it's win, lose or draw. And it's hope. Lets not forget hope because that is the one thing that makes us click on those links.
And I hope for the three points
So today it begins, like it did on Tuesday and like it did last weekend. Win, lose or draw it will be the same next Saturday. And that is why we're all here. And today it's Sheffield Wednesday, a team currently sitting in sixth with aspirations of promotion. And if we're not very careful, we will end up just like Sheffield Wednesday.
And despite the defeat earlier in the week, I'm still feeling positive for today. We're at home, which has to be better and we've also got some momentum. Some will have you believe that there is no momentum anymore because of one defeat. I like to believe that Tuesday was a bump in the road and Sheffield Wednesday are there for the taking.
And there is no sensible reasoning for that other than hope. It's all blind optimism.
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So with all that written and me acknowledging it comes down to the match, I leave it here. It's what it's all about, three points and a step closer to believing that next season is the season.