Exclusive: Ten minutes with John Gregory

Here at the Aston Villa Blog we like to bring you more than just the news you see on the official web site every day and today is a special day as we start our new section, Ten Minutes With.

We wanted to start with Doug Ellis but apparently he's a little hard to track down so we went for the next best thing as far as I'm concerned, John Gregory.

We tracked John down in West London and asked him a few of the questions you wanted to know.

Pilch, Mat and John asked: Whats your most treasured Villa memory, as a player or as a manager?
JG: There are so many it is difficult to narrow it down to one. Beating Arsenal 3-2 at home after being 2-0 down at half time was an amazing day, or walking out for the FA Cup Final and seeing that sea of claret and blue at Wembley was awesome.

KenVillan asked: Now Doug has gone you would really really love to manage Villa again wouldn't you and which three players would you like to see in claret and blue with Randy Lerner's millions?
JG: 3 Players? Lionel Messi, Sammi Etu and Juan Riqueline

Tonkataff and several others ask: Who was your best and worst signings at Villa?
JG: Best? Ollie Mellberg, Worst? Keep that one to myself!!!

Several people asked: What are your thoughts on what Villa could achieve now that there is a new Chairman/Manager at the club in the short term and long term?
JG: Short term, top 8 would be a major achievement. Top 2 would be the long term aim. Champions League every year.

Kevin asks: What would be your all time Villa starting 11?
JG: Schmiechal, Swain, Evans, McNaught, Gibson, Bremner, Mortimer, Gevans, Morley, Shaw, Withe, Subs: Mellberg, Little B, Rimmer, Merson, I Taylor

Ian asks: Given the time again, what he'd do different about the 2000 Cup final?
JG: Win it!...be more offensive

Damian asked: Olof Mellberg once said he didn't like Birmingham City and would never play for them. What are your thoughts on Birmingham City?
JG: Blue noses? They will never be as good or as classy as the Villa. They are a very good club with a board of directors that are the envy of the Premiership.

We'd like to thank Mr Gregory and Caroline for their time in putting this together for us and if any of you have any suggestions on who future 'Ten Minutes With' guests should be then drop us a mail.

On a separate note but connected, if you haven't read The Boss by John Gregory we strongly recommend it. It's a great read and full of great stories.