At Palace, proper managers, a competition and an opportunity

You don't need me to tell you that the season is very nearly over. All you need to have done is watch the match against Everton the other night to see that. There was something very clearly not interesting about this match for both sides.

And it's human nature that things slow down a little in this scenario. Some players have an eye on getting out of the country, some have an idea on their next club, others just don't want to get injured. I don't think any player from yesterday was playing at 100% to deliver 100%. I'm not saying any player didn't want to win.

But who am I to complain. I've not given this blog 100% for years and some of you commenting, well it reads like some of you are still in bed. This is my playing. I'm in a playful mood.

So playful that we will have the competition this weekend and it's going to be so that even if a game is cancelled, it still plays out. But before that, there is more football on Sunday.

At Palace

I've always liked Palace. Not as a side but as a place of business. I like London and Selhurst Park is my kind of London. I should really say that South East London is my kind of London. Saying that, Palace fans are a decent bunch too. And that chant, CPFC, CPFC, CPFC ... why haven't we stolen it?

And I like Roy Hodgson too, he's a proper football manager. There are not many proper football managers around these days. We have one but they are a dying breed. There is something more to managing a football team than having played the game.

But neither side is playing for anything so I'm not expecting much. Palace aren't getting relegated and they have no chance of European football. And neither do we. So I expect it to be much like the Everton match. Win or lose, the result doesn't matter, but it could be a nice run out and fun to watch.

And actually and I don't think I've done this before but when the team is announced, if we're not playing youngsters and we are playing players we have on loan, I might actually not watch and instead go and rake some leaves in the garden instead. I know. I mean I probably wont but that is how I think about it at the moment.

Competition time

There will be a match post on Sunday, but until then we need a competition to win the £250 voucher from Luke 1977. So the competition is here.