August, Jack and John Terry

It's been a while and I apologise. But for context, it's 1am and this post is set to publish at 1pm tomorrow and in between these hours, I need to sleep, get up for a call at 7am and then create a very colourful Powerpoint. So, with no real football to write about and mostly just speculation, I've struggled.

And struggling is something we're all going to have to get used to over the next couple of weeks until the season starts because I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of nonsense written about all things Aston Villa.

On the other hand there will be some news news. I expect us to make another signing quite soon and probably our last. I don't think Jack will leave because I think Jack really is a fan and he's happy and he knows what is possible.

And we do have a pre-season match in a few hours against Nottingham Forest, so I assume there will be some bits from that. Although, much like England matches, pre-season matches mean little to me and hand on heart I'm not sure of the results we've had recently so shouldn't even be commenting.

Did we do well?

Anyway, it's just over two weeks until Watford and I know I've written this before, but August looks interesting. Watford, Newcastle and Brentford are all teams we should confidently believe we can finish above of this season and are three matches we should go into this season believing we can and will win.

August could be exactly what our season needs.

And all that written, the only bit of news that I think we've had this week is that John Terry is leaving. It was only a matter of time I guess, because he was never going to remain a second. Now, he's going to go off and learn and get a job in the Championship instead of maybe League One or Two or maybe even a lower quality European league with a side that could do with a boost.

He'll probably actually end up doing what Frank the Bank did and essentially not be tested and not learn. And even though he said some very nice things about Dean Smith on Instagram this week, he's not really done the job here and he hasn't got his hands dirty.

I like Terry and hope he does well, but I'd be very surprised. Surprised because he hasn't had to work at it like most other managers had to and he's going to end up at a Club with potential just by saying he's interested to his manager or agent or his Instagram followers.

Then he'll use his connections to get better players, do quite well and then end up at a Premier League side and likely fail, because he didn't do all the hard work and ultimately because the players also know he didn't do the hard work and even though they respect his past and his social media following, they'll know that to be a great manager, you've got to really get your hands dirty.

But that is the game today. It is broken. But we all still love it. Until next time.