Beating Sheffield United and playing Bristol City

I didn't post directly after the match against Sheffield United because I didn't want to be a downer on getting three points. And I shouldn't be, I've written many times that I'd happily take a a boring 1-0 win as long as it means winning. But we have a match tonight and I need to post, so I can't get away from it.

I can't brush it under the table. And the truth is, we were fortunate to get three points and if they had managed to keep eleven men on the pitch, we simply don't know what would have happened. I don't think we would have got three points.

And that is at the heart of my frustration I think. Had we played against eleven men, we probably wouldn't have won. And that is easy to write. It could well be that had we played against eleven they wouldn't have scored and we would have had more clear opportunities and scored more. I can't say with certain what would have happened.

So the Sheffield United match gets a pass. I just hope we don't play against ten players against Fulham next Monday. And yes, you know this, but I don't care much for the League Cup and if we went out tonight, I'd not be that bothered. And yes, if we got the semi finals, I'd get interested again.

And how about that penalty save? Makes you feel confident doesn't it. And it was a win, a professional win. There was little emotion from the manager when the goal went in and on the final whistle there was lots of hand shakes, as if to say well done. I guess, ten men do fight harder and I should just be happy with the win. And I am. I really am.

And we can beat Fulham on Monday, player for player we are so much better and beating Bristol tonight will just build that extra confidence that is very powerful at the start of the season. Maybe this professional approach is the right way, you never know. I'd like to see us go out against eleven men in the League and spank them by always going at them and not giving up and we wont know if we can do that until we have that in front of us.

It was a good match. Tonight will be interesting, but it's really not important for anything other than bring some other players up to speed. But we'll all be watching and all be happy if we win. And before I sign off, competition winner announced tomorrow. Sorry for keeping you waiting, but it's been one of those weeks.

Finally, great news on Keinan Davis signing a new deal. Feels really positive.