Beating West Ham, managerial levels and AZ Almaar tomorrow

So, that was a good weekend, right?

I wanted to post earlier, but it felt like all I was going to write was what was getting left in the comments. That's a common theme these days, so instead, I'll just bang the drum.

The manager is the most important person at the Football Club. I've not written that in a while, but I'd like to think we'd all agree with that. But that said, it's also about levels and I think our manager has demonstrated that this is his level.

I write that because if you look at say Chelsea or Manchester United, do any of us really think they're going to win the League with their respective manager? I'm not saying we are going to, but supporters of Chelsea and Manchester United believe they can. I say look at the manager and tell me if you think they really can.

I don't think they will and no doubt someone will save this post and hope that one day they can shove it in my face, but when I look at ETH and Poch, I don't see it. I see it in France or Scotland or Holland, I don't see in the Premier League.

But enough about that, Sunday was great wasn't it and we do it all again this Sunday too, but before that we have a big match. And a tough one.

AZ Alkmaar currently sit second in the League and have a run of form that essentially mirrors our own, four wins and a draw from the last five. But sure, the competition isn't as strong, but that shouldn't be taken as this is tougher for them.

And I think we all know that. In the nine games they've played all season, they've only dropped two points. They've scored 25 goals and conceded 4. They're a machine used to winning and they have a certain style (so I'm told) that they're good at implementing.

I'm also told that the reception isn't going to be open arms and welcoming, so if you are on your way, you know what to do. Play nice and have fun. Don't be Blue and remember they have to come to us. 

But tomorrow is massive. All four of us in the group sit on three points, all having won one and lost one. Tomorrow, it's possible that a little gap is created and it's important for the remaining matches that if that gap is to be created, we're on the right side. I have absolute faith in this manager, but it does come down to the 11 on the pitch. 

We all have that faith, right? Until tomorrow!