Forest on Monday, the manager and some stats

This post might be a little out there. I started to feel a little covidy yesterday and woke with a fever this morning and about an hour ago I took quite a bit of medication and had a shower, so feel sort of okay at the moment, and massively optimistic, but also a little fuzzy.

So seeing as we have a weekend free of football, I thought I'd take this opportunity to look to Monday and Nottingham Forest as well as a comment on the last post.

First, the post the other day and for those not counting, Steven Gerrard has been in the job for 319 days. For context, when I was much much younger and living by myself, I'd not be surprised if I had bed sheets on longer and I confess this because so many still seem to want the manager gone.

My concern is that we don't seem to be willing to give the manager a chance. Don't get me wrong, Tim Sherwood was wrong, so was Alex McLeish and Roberto Di Matteo and I wrote that at the time. I even wrote that we shouldn't sack Dean Smith and I was baffled that we appointed Gerrard.

The thing is, even though some wrong decisions have been made and many think Gerrard is a mistake, shouldn't he get a chance to prove us right, or wrong?

Nottingham Forest

That said, we've picked up five points from the last three games and not lost. Forest on Monday represents an opportunity for us to have eight points from four games and no defeats and that isn't a bad place to be in. And sure, some will say we should win because Forest are bottom of the table, but then I'll respond and say shouldn't Manchester City be beating us?

My point is that we won't remember the individual sides we play, but eight points from four matches is averaging two points a game and if we could do that for a full season, that would see us finishing in the top four almost all the time.

So, Forest are bottom and it's a huge game, but I'm optimistic. Blame the tablets, Lemsip and syrup I've taken, but I feel like this is the time where we should be supporting the manager and hoping for the best.