Gerrard gone, some names and fancy box seats for Sunday?

The manager has gone and it happened quickly last night. He knew he was going when the second goal went in and when he was walking off he looked like a broken man. You all know my views on this, but it changed last night and it seemed to change for the owners too.

We'll never know why it didn't work for Gerrard, but I suspect it was down to experience. He tried too many things in a short period of time and there was no consistency. He'll learn from this and at his next club, because he will get another, he'll get better. I'm looking forward to seeing him get better as I liked Gerrard.

And there have been a few names thrown about today about who might be replacing him. While the prospect of Mauricio Pochettino is quite exciting, I'm not sold. I'm also not sold on any of the other names although there is an interesting option in Ruben Amorim, but he is young and it worries me a little.

Thomas Frank scares me because it's how Brentford are setup to run and not the manager that has generated their success. Which is why I think we need to give the job to someone with a little more experience.

Aston Villa isn't setup the same way as Brentford or Sporting for that matter. I think it's clear we are trying to move in that direction, but it's tough in the Premier League because supporters rarely give a manager the time he needs and when we change managers so often, work begins again.

It's like taking one step forward and two back with us. That said, I don't think there will be a quick announcement unless the Club can convince Poch.

Competition time, sort of

In a bid to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support you can now bid for two seats in the Luke 1977 box at Villa Park for Sunday. All you have to do is email your bid by 1pm tomorrow and the highest bid wins.

Luke will be hosting and I hear on the grapevine, it's always a good day. Details of what you get below.

  • Two tickets in the LUKE 1977 hospitality box on Sunday, central position adjacent to the Directors Box.
  • Access 3 hours prior to KO and up to 1.5 hours at the final whistle.
  • 1 x welcome drink and 1 x HT drink with access to a full bar.
  • Four course lunch.
  • Exclusive padded balcony seats.
  • Match day programme and lanyard.
  • Post match chefs selection.

If interested in bidding email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before 1pm tomorrow. Highest bid wins.