Somebody needs to tell Alex McLeish that actions speak louder than words. Maybe he should speak to General Krulak - the PR wizard. What ever happened to that Aston Villa fan, that felt our pain and shared our passion?
The reason I write this is because McLeish seem to be saying an awful lot at the moment and it is all just PR and it really does wind me up that he lives in this deluded world where he believes this or he is lying to us.
I just wish Randy Lerner would do what he has to do and get rid of him because he honestly cant believe all this rubbish he is coming out with. Although now I've written that, he probably can, because he knows nothing about football.
So the attention must then turn to the CEO. If the owner doesn't know what he is doing, you'd have to hope he has hired someone that does - but if the CEO of Aston Villa actually poached the manager of a relegated side that happened to be your local rival - you've got to start questioning if that is the CEO does know what he is doing.
The protest is going to be embarrassing
The protest is embarrassing. We got an email about putting something up on the site about it but I didn't, for a few reasons - we don't whore the site out for any content, we don't copy and paste and we like to think opinions are formed and it isn't just a site for any old garbage - there are plenty of blogs for that.
But, if there is going to be a protest, then I hope it gets thousands. I know it wont, but seeing as it is promoted, you just have to hope that the numbers turn up.
Manchester City
So, with a sort of protest happening - you can't argue it hasn't had enough coverage, we should turn our attention to Manchester City, the visiting side.
They are top of the table (as I write) and I have little doubt that they will be after the match tomorrow. They have spent millions upon millions on some of the best players money can buy and it is working.
I think maybe one of them is a Manchester City player - the others are just playing for the money, but can you blame them and there is nothing wrong with it and we would all swap Randy Lerner tomorrow for a proper billionaire playboy.
Hell, we'd all swap our muppet of a manager for a proper billionaire playboy. Football tomorrow, updates and all that from early in the morning. Odds below and your prediction in the comments appreciated.