Randy Lerner, Jack Grealish, Gabby, Tom Fox and Cleverley

A lot has sort of happened the last few days. Jack Grealish celebrated his birthday yesterday and made a joke online about getting a cake and he's basically said to the club that he wants to stay and now he's waiting to see how badly the club want him.

But we've been in this place before with promising youngsters, so I'm not getting carried away, I'm just hoping he has it all and more. There is a feeling about Grealish though and much more than the likes of Albrighton, the Moore brothers, Gabby and even Gardner, who I still fancy is going to come good for us.

And there is something about Grealish that makes you believe it could happen and when you start seeing reports that Spurs and Chelsea are interested, it only goes to make you believe more. Or hope more.

It's definitely going to be a big season for him and he's featured already, so you've got to fancy that if he starts to get more time and when he does he starts to shine, it's going to be hard to drop him. And it's players like Grealish that you can build teams around. Now I'm getting carried away and sometimes you have to bring people in.

PR gaff from the club again

And one of those players we brought in recently was Tom Cleverley from Manchester United. And yesterday, in typical Aston Villa style, the club supported a Twitter Q&A with the player and man did it go wrong.

When are the club going to learn that just because they know how to log on to social media and they have a pool of players, that everyone should be used for it? Anyone could have told you before it went live that this wasn't going to to well.

And it's not the first time this has happened. I'm hoping Tom Fox is going to fix these things and bring our media, communication and marketing out of the stone ages.

Gabby signs new deal

But from one gaff to a player signing a new contract and yesterday, Gabby signed a new four year deal and I think it's a good bit of business. And I'm writing that in the knowledge that he might have peaked.

And when I say peaked, I mean for the season. Gabby always seems to do well at some stage in the season and quite often early on, then thinks he has done enough for the rest of the season. It's like he's reminding us that he is half decent and living off that.

But I think it's good because I think things are going to be different now. There is a renewed optimism at the club since Paul Faulkner got the sack and Randy Lerner seems to be showing more interest.

And I think Gabby knows that he had to grab this offer with both hands if he was to stay at the club. He's now a multi-millionaire that doesn't need to ever worry about working and if he has the right people around him, he'll just keep making money with the right investments. Now it's about does he really want to play football and work hard for his Club?

Randy Randy Randy

And before I go, I wrote above that it seems as if Randy Lerner is showing more interest. He figured out that Faulkner was a problem and he's gone. He's stuck by Lambert, which was the right thing to do and he's hired a man that has a great CV (don't we all) that managed to sell the Arsenal brand.

Okay, selling the Arsenal brand might be stretching it as I suspect Arsenal have people calling them every week wanting to do stuff, but he was able to recognise the good deals. My point is, there is this new belief at the club this season.

And like it or not, that comes from the top, which was why Faulkner was so bad at his job and why things are different now. And that might not be directly inked to Lerner, it could be Lambert or Keane or even Fox. But those decisions all rested with Lerner.

And I suggested a while back that Lerner has had a change of heart about selling the club and the words of Tom Fox when he took over suggested he was here with a mission that had nothing to do with selling the club.

So, feelings are on the up and it now we turn our focus to Liverpool at the weekend. I answered some questions for This Is Anfield, you can read them here and they'll be a match post tomorrow or more likely Saturday morning when I've crawled out of bed.

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