Silly season and Champions League final

I've determined that there will be no end of season post. The season speaks for itself, as does the manager and what was achieved. There is essentially nothing I could write that would do what happened justice and trying to do so would be a waste of my time and yours.

Instead, there will be a preview post coming up, probably quite close to the season and hopefully when our business is done. So to prepare for that post, I think it's okay to start writing about next season. This will help me link back to things and read your comments.

And to do that I'm going to write a few things that I've written before. If anything, further demonstrating my view that football isn't rocket science and that there is a tendency to over complicate it. And first up, silly season. By that I mean new players and speculation.

And this isn't me seeing we can't strengthen or that we shouldn't, but I think we'll be just fine if nobody new came in. Okay, I'd like to see a new winger come in, but other than that, why not just continue with what we have? I'll paint a picture.

Frank the Bank, while I'm convinced is never going to be a very good manager, did say something interesting about Chelsea towards the end of the season and that was that the squad was too big and there were too many players to build quality connections on the pitch.

And did you know, Manchester City used the fewest number of players (24) in the Premier League this season. If you were interested, we used 26 and our wonderful new manager, it appears is also a fan of not making changes unless changes are needed. 

My point is, speculation is going to be rife but why not just switch it off? I just logged out of NewsNow to see how many publications I have hidden. I had to log back in because it's madness how much tripe is getting written about Aston Villa. 

Yes, a player or three or four is going to leave and they probably need to be replaced, but we have players in the squad that were not used last season and we have players at the Club that can be brought into the squad at a moments notice. Take away the players from the 26 we used that played less than 90 minutes this season and we would have used less players than any other side.

When we last won the League, I think we used nine players all season.

My views on disruption and not needing lots of players to one side, wouldn't it be nice if we could ignore speculation for a summer? I know it can't happen, but it would be nice. And hey, don't forget to click on an ad. That's just me pointing out why those posts are written in the first place it's not me asking you to really click on an ad.

In other news and just because I remembered it's the Champions League final tonight. We do want Manchester City to win right? I mean, they're English and Jack is likely to play a role. Surely, that has to be our default position? I hope they do, but maybe I'm in the minority.

And just so I don't write more that I've written before, I'll leave it there for today. And in case you were wondering, we find out where and when play in Europe on August 7th. Oh what a time to be an Aston Villa fan.