We gifted Everton, we look to Brighton

It's never nice to lose. Imagine supporting Birmingham City, it's happening all the time. And losing in a cup competition feels a little worse because it's something we had a real chance in. That isn't to say we can't win something this season, but the reality of things is this was probably where we had the best chance. 

And there are reasons to be a little frustrated.

Playing our captain at left back with a left back on the bench was bemusing and that so much of what they did in the first half was directed on that side sort of suggests they saw this as an opportunity also.

But you know what, the season isn't over even if it feels a little tough this morning. 

And you're not going to like reading this next part, but with the number of matches we have and how quickly they are coming, we need to use the squad, so there was always a chance this was going to happen. This is part of the transition.

That the squad appears to not be match sharp is a concern but there are still a lot of matches to come and they have to get match sharp quickly. If they don't get there, something will change.

And this defeat to Everton should help them but lets be clear, we were not beaten by Everton because they were better than us, we lost because of a silly mistake and taking 45 minutes to warm up.

It wont happen again this season and we may very well look back at this result as a positive for us. I'm not saying it is or we should look at it this way, but you never know. 

And now it's about turning our attention to Brighton on Saturday because we now need to bounce back again, a little like they have to.

Fortunately we are at home and hopefully that advantage helps get us over the line. Three points on Saturday and last night will be a distant memory, just like Donna from Los Locos sometime around 1991.