With a bit of luck, we'll only sign N'Zogbia and Given

Talk is that we've made a bid of £10,000,000 for Wigan player Charles N'Zogbia. It is only talk, because our club haven't confirmed it, but supporters of Aston Villa are usually the last to find out, so there is every chance it is true.

We need a left sided player and he is an easy choice, so it wouldn't surprise me if it was true. I'm not sure how good a choice he really is and that is after he has played quite a lot of games in the Premier League, but better him than nobody.

There is also talk that we are after a right sided player and this winds me up a little bit. You've seen that I've written about 'the cycle' in the past. This happens when a new manager comes in and starts to bring in his own players straight away, before proving himself. What happens is the manager last two or four seasons and we are then stuck with players we never really needed.

We don't need a right sided player because we have Marc Albrighton. Okay, you could argue we need backup, but I'd argue that we have backup in the squad. Maybe we don't have someone that only plays on the right side of midfield, but we have players that can and have.

You'll say I'm foolish, but sometimes you have to put your faith completely in the player and if the player starts the season knowing this is his chance to shine, he has to take it and he will know, without any doubt, that it is his chance.

For me, Marc Albrighton has demonstrated on several occasions that he should get a proper chance and stepping over him now would not only be an insult, but reason enough for him to start thinking about his future. If he leaves, he'll never be as good as he was going to be, playing for Aston Villa.

No more players after Given and N'Zogbia

But if the manager signs a right sided player, he shouldn't be blamed, it is people higher up for not telling him. He needs to prove himself first and foremost and if he does, then he can get some money to spend. For now, he needs Shay Given and Charles N'Zogbia - that is all, in my humble opinion and based on my theory of him having to prove himself first.

After he has brought in those two - we need to see how good he is at managing, not just bringing in players. Once he has demonstrated an ability to get the best out of what he has, in developing the football, the tactics and the fitness, after all that, if he has us in a respectable top half position at the end of the season, which is no lower than eighth, then he should be allowed to bring in one new player and a player for every one that leaves.

This shouldn't be about throwing money at the squad. If Alex McLeish is really the right man, this should be about the team and him proving that he is capable.

So, if we get these two players, I think that is enough because we know what is going to happen, or not happen this season already. This way, we get to see if the manager really is any good or not, with our players, not his. If he brings in three plus players that are all considered starting players, then we sort of know where we are again.

My point. Don't be disappointed if it is only two players. Be expectant. Be hopeful. If it is only two - he has to prove himself and he has to get the best out of some Aston Villa players. It might just be that there is a plan. Too many new faces and we are in that cycle again.